To begin with, my husband had surgery yesterday that had been scheduled on an urgent basis and although I thought I had prepared for today’s post, this morning I’m staring at what had been half-done and noping out of trying to tackle that topic while I am still exhausted. The surgery was successful. It took longer to get him in, longer to get it done than planned, and by the time they were releasing him so we could drive home we got in close enough to midnight to make no difference from this side of the morning.

The testing, stress, and trying to support him through the last few months of near-constant pain have taken a toll on me. Even now, we know we’ve only bought some time. He will be in much less pain, but not none. And there are other things. So there’s that, which means I would rather support him, spend time with him, cherish the moments… than I would write. Instead, how about a Moment to balance ourselves.

What is important to you?
Have you been giving that thing the time and attention it deserves?
Have you paid any attention to yourself recently?
How are you refilling your well – not just creatively, but physically which will draw the mental along with it – and are you even trying to keep yourself fulfilled?
Have you stopped to smell the roses in the last day or so?

No on that last? Go do it today. If you haven’t got a rose, make it another flower. No flowers? Petrichor, the new-mown grass, whatever it is, go outside and be out there for about ten to fifteen minutes, looking and listening and soaking up the sunshine (even if it is filtered through cloud cover). Is it raining? Will you melt? Drop all your electronics in the house where they are safe, and get a little wet. I’m fairly sure you aren’t going to dissolve, shouting ‘what a world!’ and if you do, well, that’s the risk you take with living life to it’s fullest.

Finally, go find someone you love, or like, and touch them. A hug, a handshake, a pat on the back. Human contact. I’m very serious here. If you can do both of those things today, or at least this weekend, you’ll be the better for it.

I’ll be back next week, I hope. Both to write a post, and have a functional brain again. In the meantime. Take care of yourselves.

11 responses to “This isn’t much of a post”

  1. williamlehman508 Avatar

    Take care of yourself and your husband. We’ll be here when you’re back.

  2. Get some rest and do what needs to be done. We are thinking of you.

  3. We had some stuff at Day Job this year that led to a lot of “Take five and go spend time with your family,” aimed at both faculty and students. Both students who spoke at graduation alluded to it as well.

    Rest. We’ll still be here. He, he, he, rubs paws in anticipation.

  4. Jane Meyerhofer Avatar
    Jane Meyerhofer

    I know that I’m mostly pixels on a page for you, as opposed to the real people who know you, and can help you IRL, but I am sorrowful over your troubles. I love your art and look forward to your posts but when you need to take care of your family that’s much much more important.

  5. Sympathies on the surgery, nice that it turned out well. Best wishes and hopes for a quick and easy recovery for hubby.

    Taking a Moment it turns out is quite a powerful thing. Personally, I’ve been going for a ride on my motorcycle most days. An hour cruising down little funny back roads in my rural area has put quite a bit of spring back in my step of late.

    Work and troubles do not go away, but a little respite gives one the power required to deal with it all.

  6. Take care of yourself (and your husband). (Hugs).

    I thought our week was bad with my husband’s broken finger swallowing most of it. (Did you they still use FAX machines to transfer information from one hospital system to another, leading us to make multiple phone calls with one set saying “We sent it” be the other saying “we haven’t received it, and no, you can’t just bring the referral in.”)

  7. teresa from hershey Avatar
    teresa from hershey

    Take care of yourself and your husband. Nothing else is nearly as important.

    Your job doesn’t love you. It will never love you.

    Only your family and friends will.

  8. “As she went, she sang a song.”

    ”La lala lala lala!”

    ”Say, that’s not much of a song.”

    ”Well, I’m not much of a singer.”

  9. Smelling both roses and lilacs.

    OTOH, also, in my garden, hard at work to get what I want going. Then trying to compose my soul in patience while the plants put down roots.

  10. Cedar, thank God that your husband is doing better.
